A Day in the Prison Life of Danny Masterson: Pickleball, Movie Nights and $300 a Month on Candy

Danny Masterson’s life in prison sounds more like a relaxing weekend than a punishment. Sources exclusively tell In Touch that the convicted rapist participates in sports and enjoys video games and a collection of TV shows and movies downloaded on the prison tablets.

“At about 11:30 or so he heads out to the pickleball court which has a basketball rim where he stretches and works out. And then he plays pickleball for about two hours --- and he plays pretty decent,” an insider reveals. “He’s getting better and his playing has improved in the past few months. He’s on the court quite a bit. The one thing I can say is that his jump shot is surprisingly good – not like the thespians I knew when I went to high school.”

Masterson, 48, has also apparently made nice with the prison’s security guards.

The source adds, “Masterson works for prison guards as an errand boy. He hands out ‘ducats’ or permission slips to fellow inmates who have medical appointments, counseling sessions and other appointments within the prison.”

At 3 p.m. every day, Masterson’s required to be in his cell for a headcount, according to the insider, but he’s allowed to use a “prison-issued tablet.” With the device, he can play video games or choose from a selection of TV shows and movies to watch. However, the source clarifies that the prisoners “don’t have access to traditional internet,” and all of the That 70s Show alum’s emails and messages are monitored.

After headcount, Masterson heads to dinner, but the food served is less than desirable.

Danny Masterson’s Life in Prison: Pickleball, Movie Nights
Danny Masterson’s Life in Prison: Pickleball, Movie Nights

“He may have a casserole kind of thing that’s so horrible most guys won’t even eat it,” says the insider. “He will get a grilled chicken and a salad but it’s mostly, like, wilted lettuce. For breakfast they serve eggs – but it’s powdered eggs and soy-based bacon.”

This is likely why Masterson opts for some of the snacks offered at the canteen.

“He can spend up to $300 a month at the canteen. And it has limited items, mostly snack items, chips. Honey Buns is the big thing in prison. For protein they sell bagged chicken and tuna,” the insider tells In Touch.

Despite going from Hollywood to a life behind bars, the source reveals that Masterson seems to be adjusting well.

“He doesn’t seem to be too shy, and he limits where he goes – limits who he has around him. At first, there were a couple people around him that were going to ‘victimize’ him but some of the other prisoners interfered with that,” the insider explains. “So, he’s got a clique of friends, if you want to call them that, that he hangs around with. It’s mostly the guys in the neighboring cells. Like I said, it’s a mature crowd so they are not doing dumb s--t. These are older guys that are out of the gangs serving 25 to life that are rehabilitated hoping to get a [parole hearing] date to get out. They are well behaved.”