Wildlife Rehabilitator Takes in Adorable Baby Beaver After Its Home Was Destroyed

The little beaver looks so fluffy and tiny!

One doesn't normally think of beavers needing the assistance of wildlife rehabilitators like @beckybeaverandfriends, but--just like any other species--they need help sometimes, too. One precious baby beaver, for example, found their way to her care after its home and family were destroyed. In fact, their rescue is a miracle in itself.

As much as we appreciate the work this wildlife rehab specialist is doing, it's impossible to ignore how tiny and adorable the baby beaver is. It's no surprise that they're the star of the kind woman's latest TikTok video.

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What a little cutie pie! We see why everyone is so caught up with this tiny miracle. From that soft-looking fur to the teeny little nose, we just want to snuggle every inch of them!

@Jaderade777 said, "he's a baby baby," and honestly--we're not surprised. This beaver fits in his rescuer's hand! If we were ever lucky enough to see a baby beaver in person, we think we just might melt.

"I know someone who works at a wildlife rescue and she sent me a pic of a baby beaver," @aprilwoah gushed, "and it was the cutest nugget I have ever seen." Aww! We can only imagine the reaction these little ones get wherever they go, especially when they're so young.

As someone in the know shared, though, these cutie pies can also be a lot of work to care for. @Avhello explained, "Raising these little ones is so difficult. Because cuddles are so important when they are little, but you have to start pulling back pretty quick." That does sound complicated! Caring for any animal is difficult work, especially when they're as young as this beaver is, but we have no doubt that it's rewarding, too.

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