Where to get the Sons of the Forest rebreather and stun gun

 Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

The Sons of the Forest rebreather lets you breathe underwater and is important to reach out of the way areas. It's tucked away with the stun gun, on the coast in a cave full of monsters making it tricky to find and hard to get. I've found it for you though, and broken down how to get this useful bit of kit, as well as giving you some pointers to survive the ordeal.

Unless you've got a lot of gear and weapons this is going to be tough. You're probably here because you want the Son of the Forest shovel, which needs both this and the Sons of the Forest rope gun to reach. The best strategy here is to run rather than fight and maybe build a tarp shelter in the cave to give you checkpoint as you explore. 

If you're ready, let's see where to find the Sons of the Forest rebreather and how to get it.

Head to this cave on the coast

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

You'll want to head to this cave on the coast to start finding the rebreather. It'll probably be just beyond the first bit of beach you can see from where you start, so make sure you're heading to that coastline and not the closer one. 

When you get there look out for some buckets in the sand and a boarded up entrance in the cliff wall. Build a shelter here before you head in and save your game. 

Grab the O2 canister inside the cave

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

As soon you get inside you'll see some light and items scattered around. There will also be an O2 canister used by the Sons of the Forest rebreather. These are quite rare so definitely grab it. As well as this one, there's another when you go looking for the shovel but that could be it initially. 

Get ready to run when you reach water

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

Keep moving forward until the path drops down into an lit area full of water, with a rubber ring flowing around. Drop down and creep forward - there's a lot of enemies ahead and you don't want to alert them too soon. There's some basic enemies and a giant mouth finger so try and avoid them as much as you can but run the second they see you.

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

Eventually you'll see a light up ahead and some more monsters - more basic enemies and a finger. Try to stealth past them if that's an option or keep running if it isn't. Whatever's happening, get ready to make a decision: straight on for the stun gun, left for the rebreather. You can go for both but obviously there's more chance of a serious case of monsters if you do.

Go straight on for the Sons of the Forest stun gun

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

At the end of the cave is a lit up section. If you go straight ahead and take that you'll enter a long straight tunnel that will have the stun gun at the end. You'll know you're on the right track if you hear music and eventually pass a radio hanging from the ceiling. There's a lot of enemies here so avoid or fight as you see fit. Just remember you'll have to go back past them as this is dead end. The stun gun is right at the end hanging next to a body.  

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

Turn left to find the Sons of the Forest rebreather

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

If you turn left at the end of the cave when you see the light, you'll be on the route to find the rebreather. You should pass some lifejackets on the floor and you can probably just run hell for leather at this point - it's a largely linear route with a few bottlenecks that will hold up any enemies trying to follow you.

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

You'll eventually see some light around some more water. One of those lights is the Sons of the Forest rebreather itself so grab it to equip it. HOWEVER, don't jump in the water just in case you haven't noticed the shark yet… To make it easier to avoid the shark, walk around the water to the other side from where you got the rebreather.

Sons of the Forest rebreather
Sons of the Forest rebreather

When you reach the end of that path then drop in the water - the rebreather will auto equip - and hug the wall under water on the left until you see a passage leading out. Keep following that out and you'll eventually surface just out to see a little way from the cave entrance.