Some people have amazing relationships with their in-laws, but sometimes...things can get messy. And you may have read — or even witnessed — some wild and shocking behavior when it comes to toxic in-laws.
But I want to know: What are some subtle or unexpected signs of a toxic in-law that people don't always think of?
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Like, maybe you married someone who seemed to have a sweet, close relationship with their parent, but after a while, you realized your new in-law ALWAYS relied on their child for everything — making your marriage a last priority.
Silke Woweries / Getty Images
Perhaps you have firsthand experience with a "friendly" in-law who went out of their way to get to know you, but they would ask some seriously intrusive questions and didn't have boundaries, and it started affecting your marriage.
Photoalto / Getty Images
Or maybe your in-laws would always give advice that seemed helpful, but you started realizing they were controlling and trying to make decisions for your own family because they just "knew best."
Nicoletaionescu / Getty Images / iStockphoto
In the comments below, tell us an unexpected sign that an in-law is toxic — or how YOU realized you had a toxic in-law. Or if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.