Tiny Blind Shih-Tzu Knows Exactly What to Do When He Hears The Word 'Incoming'

On October 9, a tiny blind Shih-Tzu pup demonstrated how acute a blind dog's hearing can be when his owner yelled the word 'incoming" right when his much larger dog friend at the park was coming his way.

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The TikTok account for @No.eyed.dan showed the video of what their adorable dog Dan does when he hears the word "incoming" and it's just too perfect. He knows that it's time to hit the deck so his big friend doesn't trample him!

TikTok users are loving this smart pup and how hilarious it is that the big dog at the park was a Boston Terrier, who aren't that big of dogs at all! But every dog is bigger compared to tiny Dan! @Ashley comments, "I was not expecting the big dog to be a Boston terrier lol!" @Mare adds, "Brilliant, Dan! And his little tail wags are so adorable!"

Blind dogs often compensate for their lack of sight with heightened senses of smell, hearing, and touch. They rely on these things to navigate their environment, plus help from their owners by training them with certain words to navigate their surroundings. Blind dogs create a mental map of their surroundings through sound, scent, and memory.

Blind dogs can lead just as happy, fulfilling and long lives as their sighted counterparts, as long as their owners make adjustments to their surroundings to help them stay safe and work on specialized blind dog training techniques with them. We just love to see this in action!

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