Savannah Enmarket Arena timeline: The long path to replacing the Civic Center

The Enmarket Arena opening has reignited the debate over the Savannah Civic Center's future.

The arena opened Feb. 5 and the operating agreement for ticketed events at the Civic Center expires in May. City Manager Jay Melder and his staff are in the midst of exploring options for the future of the Civic Center site. Those include razing the facility, restoring Elbert Square and making the rest of the site available for redevelopment; and preserving the Johnny Mercer Theatre half of the civic center and developing the rest of the site for civic uses.

Savannahians began calls tor replace the Savannah Civic Center in the 1990s - if not earlier - because of its cramped confines and poor sightlines. The discontent sparked the Savannah City Council to action, although the process could be called deliberate at best, glacially at worst.

Opinion: Savannah has waited 20 years for the Enmarket Arena. We can hang on another few weeks

Work continues on the Enmarket Arena.
Work continues on the Enmarket Arena.

Here's a look back at Savannah's civic center-arena saga.

1996: Savannah City Council orders a feasibility study be done on the deficiencies of the then 28-year-old Savannah Civic Center.

Cars line up outside the Savannah Civic Center for free testing of COVID-19 testing. On Oct. 15 flu shots will be available at this site.
Cars line up outside the Savannah Civic Center for free testing of COVID-19 testing. On Oct. 15 flu shots will be available at this site.

1999: Savannah City Council sponsors a feasibility study into a new Civic Center.

2001: Savannah leaders begin discussing replace Savannah Civic Center.

2002: City’s SPLOST project list includes $30 million to buy land and do site preparation for a new civic center. Referendum approved the following year.

February 2003: Savannah Civic Center hosts two minor league hockey games and public talk about new arena increases in volume.

November 2005: City prepares master plan for a 10,000-seat, $80 million arena planned for the westside. The timeline called for construction to begin in August 2009 with completion by July 2011.

September 2006: Voters approve SPLOST extension that includes $80 million to build a new arena.

August 2010: City Council considers at least three additional sites, the Savannah River Landing site (now home to Eastern Wharf), a collection of parcels between the Georgia Ports' Ocean Terminal and the old Georgia Power plant on River Street and a 350-acre swath northwest of Interstate 95 and Georgia 204 Acting City Manager Rochelle Small-Toney recommends a feasibility study to determine a new location.

April 2012: City officials consider building a new baseball stadium and would use $22 million in available SPLOST funding designated for an arena to help pay for it.

July 2012: City Council commissions a study and define whether an arena needs to serve more as an entertainment venue or large-scale community center.

September 2012: Small-Toney asks City Council to consider using most of the $19 million in SPLOST funds set aside for a new arena for extensive renovations of the Civic Center.

October 2012: City council nixes the proposed arena site at Interstate 95 and Ga. 204.

2012: City Council unanimously approves purchasing about 7 acres from Argos USA at 620 Stiles Ave. for $440,000.

August 2013: City leaders say the city now owns enough property on the westside to build the new arena.

September 2013: City Council votes to build the arena in west Savannah.

November 2013: Voters approve SPLOST extension that includes $105 million to build a new arena.

May 2015: City Council unanimously approves a contract for a study of the existing Civic Center and new arena site.

May 2016: Study finds that a suitable arena for the westside site would cost about $140 million.

June 2016: City Council votes to build the new arena at the current site.

June 2018: City Council approves $8.8 million design contract for new arena.

September 2018: City Council awards an $11.2 million construction management contract for arena.

October 2018: Three concepts for the new arena are unveiled to the public.

April 2019: City Council approves a management contract for the new arena.

June 2019: City Council unanimously votes to adopt recommendations from the Urban Land Institute to demolish the Civic Center and redevelop the site once the new arena opens.

The new Savannah Arena is taking shape, with seating now wrapping around three sides along with a club leavel and luxury suites.
The new Savannah Arena is taking shape, with seating now wrapping around three sides along with a club leavel and luxury suites.

September 2019: A groundbreaking is held for the new arena.

January 2021: A minor league hockey team, the Savannah Ghost Pirates, is announced for the new arena.

April 2021: Crews install the final truss and enclose the roof.

One end of the arena remains open for easier access to construction materials.
One end of the arena remains open for easier access to construction materials.

July 2021: Enmarket Arena is announced as the venue's official name.

October 2021: First events at Enmarket Arena are announced.

Enmarket is the naming partner of the Savannah arena.
Enmarket is the naming partner of the Savannah arena.

December 2021: The city announces that parking will not be ready in time for the planned Enmarket Arena opening in January.

Jan. 11, 2022: City officials announce that the planned Jan. 13-14 opening of the arena is delayed due to several pandemic-related issues, including supply chain disruptions.

Jan. 27, 2022: City officials extend the Civic Center operating agreement, allowing the venue to continue hosting ticketed events for 90 days after the arena opens.

Feb. 5, 2022: The arena opens with a ribbon cutting and a community day.

Feb. 6, 2022: Country music star Riley Green plays the venue's first concert.

May 13, 2022: The Savannah Civic Center operating agreement expires.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: A timeline from dreams and Savannah meetings to Enmarket Arena