Rhonda Hatch prepares for first term as Eddy County Assessor in January 2023

Eddy County Assessor-elect Rhonda Hatch believes education is a key element for county taxpayers to understand how the office works and the functions it provides Eddy County.

Hatch, a Republican, ran unopposed in the June Republican primary and the November general election to replace outgoing assessor Gemma Ferguson, who could not run again due to term limits.

Hatch, whose first four-year term starts Jan. 3, 2023, said the primary responsibility of the assessor’s office was to discover, list and value all real property and personal property within Eddy County.

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“The assessor must maintain an accurate record of property ownership and maps identifying each parcel of land in the county. Assessor’s must conform to state laws dealing with property taxation and ensure all property is treated uniformly,” she said.

Hatch believes giving more knowledge to Eddy County residents would provide greater understanding of the inner workings for the assessor’s office.

“It is important to let the taxpayers how the assessor’s office operates and what their rights are in regard to their property and to be available to all Eddy County constituents,” she said.

Born and raised in Eddy County, Hatch began working at the assessor’s office 17 years ago and performed many functions.

Incoming Eddy County Assessor Rhonda Hatch started working in the office in 2005 and had a yearning to run for office in 2022.
Incoming Eddy County Assessor Rhonda Hatch started working in the office in 2005 and had a yearning to run for office in 2022.

“I was hired in 2005 as an appraiser, was promoted to data auditor in 2011 and promoted again in 2013 to office manager,” she said.

Hatch said she had a strong desire to run for office and has the experience to carry out the duties as the assessor.

“Being a New Mexico certified appraiser through the New Mexico Property Tax Division I have the experience it takes in the field of appraising for this position,” she said.

Hatch vows her office will be professional and courteous to Eddy County residents along with being transparent.

More:Midterm Elections: Gemma Ferguson unopposed in Assessor race

Eddy County says goodbye to Gemma Ferguson

The outgoing assessor was praised for more than 11 years of work with Eddy County during the Dec. 20 Eddy County Board of County Commissioners meeting.

Former District 1 County Commissioner James Walterscheid said he knew Ferguson since she was in elementary school.

“She has done a wonderful job as county assessor,” he said.

Eddy County Assessor Gemma Ferguson and Chief Deputy Assessor Melissa Washburn listen in during the Jan. 2,2019 Eddy County Board of Commissioners meeting.
Eddy County Assessor Gemma Ferguson and Chief Deputy Assessor Melissa Washburn listen in during the Jan. 2,2019 Eddy County Board of Commissioners meeting.

Ferguson is a Carlsbad native and was raised on a farm in Otis. She graduated from Carlsbad High School, the former New Mexico State University at Carlsbad now Southeast New Mexico College and College of the Southwest in Hobbs.

During the Dec. 20 meeting, Eddy County Manager Allen Davis expressed appreciation for elected representatives like Ferguson and Hatch.

“As the calendar year ends and the guards change, elected officials are a rare group of individuals. I think it’s a diminishing group,” he said.  “We appreciate your willingness to step in.”

More:Eddy County Assessor says no change to 2021 property tax rates

Ferguson thanked those in her office and Eddy County administration for their assistance and support during her tenure in office.

Mike Smith can be reached at 575-628-5546, or by email at MSmith@currentargus.com, or @ArgusMichae on Twitter.

This article originally appeared on Carlsbad Current-Argus: Rhonda Hatch readies for first term as Eddy County Assessor in 2023