Rad Old-Timers Go Barefoot Snowboarding

Brian Wilson starts the video below by saying: "These are the right kind of friends.", and I couldn't agree more. Who wouldn't want friends in their 50s that ride snowskates barefoot?!

FYI- Snowskates are a type of snowboard that switches out bindings for the grip tape of a skateboard. Check out the awesome video below:

The right kind of friends indeed Brian. Indeed.

I can't be 100% sure, but this video seems like it was filmed on the closing day of a mountain somewhere out west. That actually amplifies the story, in my opinion.

I'm guessing that these three old dudes planned this little barefoot snowskate romp to celebrate the end of the season. That's pretty darn cool.

Getting old can 'suck', according to most people, but it doesn't have to. I see getting old as the ultimate free pass to do whatever the heck you want (within reason).

Who on the mountain is going to tell three dudes in their 50s that they're not allowed to snowskate barefoot? Nobody. Now imagine they were three young teenagers... Different story, right?

Shout out to Brian Wilson and friends for keeping the vibe alive.

Here's another clip of them goofing off for good measure:

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