Pope Francis Seems To Extol Virtues Of Middle Finger In Now-Deleted Tweet
Pope Francis was fingered as the source of much Twitter mockery on Thursday after he posted a now-deleted tweet extolling the virtues of “the middle finger.”
The tweet was part of a series posted by the pontiff that suggested five “ingredients for the future,” with each corresponding to a finger on the hand.
For instance, Francis said the thumb is “closest to our heart” and “symbolizes prayer, while the index finger corresponds to “community” since that digit is used to “point things out to others.”
But what he said about the middle finger got Twitter users all bird-brained. Francis explained the middle finger is “higher than the others” and “reminds us of something essential: Honesty. To be honest means not getting entangled in the snares of corruption.”
Francis probably didn’t intend to invoke the vulgar meaning of the middle finger since he deleted the tweet below and later posted an altered version that referred to the “third finger.” But, unfortunately, that tweet was also deleted.
It should be noted that numerous studies suggest that people who curse are typically more honest than their clean-speech counterparts, so maybe the pope was onto something.
Now-deleted tweet posted by Pope Francis
The first original tweet remains up, but the different virtues of each finger seem to have been deleted after Twitter snarks commented on the particular virtues of the middle finger.
People had hilarious reactions to Pope Francis's tweet praising the middle or "third" finger.
Others joined in.
wow his visit to philly really stuck with him huh https://t.co/Uthuxm8gmM
— Sarah McLaughlin (@sarahemclaugh) February 2, 2023
I'm not Catholic but I endorse this statement by His Holiness.
Probably not for the same reason as he was suggesting it but I endorse it nonetheless. https://t.co/zaj5ePEBCm— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) February 2, 2023
My God, pope, this is a family website. There are children here! https://t.co/s3ikhjFojz
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) February 2, 2023
the middle finger certainly does convey honest opinion. https://t.co/thmq12j6Gx
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) February 2, 2023
New York Salute is a holy gesture. https://t.co/PPXKSzocWV
— Christian Blauvelt (@ctblauvelt) February 2, 2023
I don’t think this papal tweet really works without the full context of his speech today: https://t.co/7jW5Wkaw6K
— Christopher White (@cwwhiteNCR) February 2, 2023
Best tweet ever. https://t.co/Z1IQeVyPUY
— Carolyn McClanahan (@CarolynMcC) February 2, 2023