Police 'major discipline' list shows 16 Edna Mahan corrections officers were fired in 2021

TRENTON – Twenty officers at the troubled Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women received major discipline in 2021, according to an annual report from the Office of the Attorney General.

Sixteen officers were fired, according to the report, on charges ranging from mistreatment of inmates and falsifying reports to excessive absenteeism and facilitating gambling with inmates.

A dozen officers were fired, according to the report, for being arrested and criminally charged for mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

Each year, the state’s law enforcement agencies must all report to the Attorney General the names of officers and supervisors who have faced “major discipline” — firings, demotions or suspensions longer than five days — by Jan. 31 of the following year. Previously, departments released instances of discipline, but not the names of the officers involved.

Gov. Phil Murphy in June ordered the closure of the prison in Union Township, Hunterdon County after the state released an investigative report on cell extractions at the facility on Jan. 11, 2021 that led to criminal charges against several guards who allegedly used excessive force.

READ: Reports of abuse of women at Edna Mahan span decades. What's next after the prison closes?

READ: NJ looking at relocation options for inmates of troubled Edna Mahan women's facility

READ: NJ's police 'major discipline' list has over two dozen Middlesex, Somerset, Union officers

The Jan. 11 charges were the latest in a series of criminal charges, including sexual assault, brought in recent years against guards at the facility plagued by corruption and abuse.

Following are the 20 corrections officers at Edna Mahan named in the report:

  • Khaniyah Jacobs was suspended 15 days twice for excessive or chronic absenteeism.

  • Henderson Shanaya was fired for facilitating gambling and other financial transactions with inmates and falsifying a report.

  • Merilus Mica was suspended for 60 days for neglect of duty by failing to act during an incident where a custody supervisor was under physical attack by an inmate.

  • Anthony Vargas was fired for job abandonment.

  • Jasmine Taylor was fired for excessive or chronic absenteeism.

  • Marika Sprow was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Amir Bethea was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Anthony Valvano was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Desiree Lewis was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Luis Garcia was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Matthew Faschan was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Courey James was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Gustavo Sarmiento was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Jose Irizarry was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Tara Wallace was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Andraia Bridges was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Eddie Molina was fired for being arrested and criminally charged with mistreatment of an inmate and falsifying a report.

  • Monique Douglas was fired for violating the residency requirement for New Jersey state workers and falsifying documents.

  • Tatiana Harper was suspended 15 days for excessive or chronic absenteeism.

  • Kisha Booker was suspended 15 days for excessive or chronic absenteeism.

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William H. Fauver Youth Correctional Facility

At the William H. Fauver Youth Correctional Facility in neighboring Clinton Township, five officers were subject to major disciple:

  • Shamil Davis was fired for notifying inmates of upcoming cell searches, possessing contraband and being under the influence of alcohol while on duty.

  • Eugene Harris was suspended 10 days for appearing to be sleeping while on duty.

  • Kevin Jenkins was suspended 10 days for failing to complete the required number of security tours and falsifying the log book.

  • Aneesah Ali was suspended 15 days for excessive or chronic absenteeism.

  • Aminah Campbell was fired for engaging in an undue familiarity with an inmate starting in 2014 and falsifying reports.

Email: mdeak@mycentraljersey.com

Mike Deak is a reporter for mycentraljersey.com. To get unlimited access to his articles on Somerset and Hunterdon counties, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

This article originally appeared on MyCentralJersey.com: Edna Mahan NJ women's prison: Officers on major discipline list