OKC Central live chat with Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt
Welcome to a revamped version of the OKC Central live chat.
Most Fridays, Steve Lackmeyer hosts live chats, giving readers a chance to ask questions about Oklahoma City development and growth as well as an opportunity to ask direct questions of OKC newsmakers — like Friday's special guest, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt.
Mayor Holt will be joining the live chat, along with Steve, at 10 a.m. Friday morning. Click on this link to be taken directly to the live chat. Once you're in the chat, be sure to click on "All" below the question box to be able to see all of the questions.
To be able to ask questions and interact with Steve or special guests, you must have a digital subscription to The Oklahoman and you must be logged in. As part of our ongoing President's Day sale, you can get unlimited digital access to all of our content for $1 for 12 months.
This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Live chat: Join OKC Mayor David Holt, Steve Lackmeyer Friday morning