NY substantial equivalence standards create dismal future for nonpublic schools | Opinion

New York should feel proud of its diverse education landscape. People can send their children to the local public school, or they may enroll them in an Orthodox Jewish yeshiva, a Catholic school, a Waldorf school or even homeschool them. Families feel better about education when they have a say in the experience. Nobody likes to be bossed around.With the passage of the final substantial equivalence regulations, however, the New York Board of Regents have foreclosed many educational choices in the state. If you want your children to go to a school that differs from the local public schools, you are out of luck. The new regulations give teeth to the Compulsory Education Law requiring all nonpublic schools to be substantially equivalent to the local public schools.

Recently, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul told Republican politicians to leave the state and head to Florida: “Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values.” In a similar spirit, the Regents are telling anybody unhappy with the local public schools: You don’t like this kind of education? Then leave the state.

The Compulsory Education Law has been on the books since 1895, but it reflects an era when white protestant Americans expected immigrants to assimilate in a hurry. I wish that my grandparents had taught my father Italian, but like many immigrants at the time, they wanted their children to speak English like everyone else.

In hindsight, though, Americans realized that the melting pot idea harms families, traditions and communities and denies the rest of society the contributions of other cultures. Today, more and more Americans appreciate that the country is richer when many cultures contribute their entrée to the cultural potluck.

Orthodox Jews chose to leave Europe after the Holocaust and rebuild their communities and schools in New York. America is the land of opportunity and religious freedom, and Orthodox Jews have been part of the fiber of New York City for decades.

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Orthodox Jews do not want substantially equivalent schools

Many Orthodox Jews have protested the state’s new regulations for nonpublic schools. Here are excerpts from letters raising concerns from Jewish constituencies about the new regulations:

Lawyers: “Aside from our core religious tenet as Jewish parents to transmit Jewish learning and values to the next generation, we want our children to enjoy the rich educational experience we were afforded. The proposed Regulations hamper our ability as parents to direct our children’s education as we see fit.”

Software engineers: “While the proposed regulations entirely discount the value of our Jewish studies, our clear experience has been that the intensive logical reasoning skills cultivated through those very courses are at the bedrock of our outstanding success as engineers.”

Mental health professionals: “Professional codes of ethics for mental health practitioners emphasize respect for diversity and for cultural values of minorities. We urge you to do the same by considering the many strengths that are unique to yeshiva education rather than seeking to replicate the public-school experience.”

The state education department says that it has reviewed over 350,000 comments about the regulations and decided that they do not regulate religious instruction.

One can only conclude that the state education department has not heard what the Orthodox Jews are saying. Or they have heard and do not care if Orthodox Jews are happy or remain in the state.

Students in yeshiva start the day early and go until dinner time. Students learn Biblical Hebrew, Mishnaic Hebrew, Aramaic, and English and read the Torah, Talmud, and commentaries on both. One scholar compares yeshiva education to “upper-level humanities coursework in a university.” Students cannot do this kind of education and have enough time to check off all the items on the regulatory to-do list.

Yeshivas may offer a better kind of education for some students than public schools. But the Regents are not interested in a healthy competition between school models.

A recent New York Times article called yeshivas “failing private schools flush with public money.” The total education budget for New York City is $31 billion in fiscal year 2023, and New York Hasidic schools have received $1 billion in the last four years. A drop in the bucket. Furthermore, the scandal identified in the article is that yeshiva students fare poorly on state tests when they take them.

Nicholas Tampio
Nicholas Tampio

The state can force yeshivas to offer more secular education to raise test scores, but they would be destroying much of what makes them unique. The regulations will also affect every other kind of education that does not presently focus on improving test scores.

New York education policymakers could have tried to make public schools more attractive to families. Instead, they are forcing all New York students to attend schools that are nearly the same, whether families like it or not.

Nicholas Tampio is a professor of political science at Fordham University.

This article originally appeared on Rockland/Westchester Journal News: NY substantial equivalence: Dismal future for nonpublic schools