Nude Hunter Biden Pics Shown by Marjorie Taylor Greene at Congressional Hearing

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Marjorie Taylor Greene

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her opposition to LGBTQ+ equality and all things liberal, was showing nude pictures of Hunter Biden at a congressional hearing Wednesday.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating what Chairman James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, calls “the Biden family’s influence-peddling schemes.” The younger Biden is expected to enter into a plea deal over charges of failing to pay income tax and illegally possessing a firearm. But the far right has alleged that he received favorable treatment from the U.S. Department of Justice and raised concerns about his business dealings overseas while trying to implicate his father.

As Republicans attempt to make a case against the Biden family, they have focused on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer. At the hearing Wednesday, Greene was “literally showing dick pics” taken from the laptop, U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia, a gay Democrat from California, wrote on Twitter.

“This is evidence of Hunter Biden making pornography,” Greene, a Georgia Republican, said at the hearing, as documented in video included in Garcia’s tweet. The pictures were sent to “a foreign-based online pornography platform,” she said. Others can be heard telling Greene she’s exceeded her time to speak and questioning whether the committee should be viewing the pictures.

Garcia, a freshman congressman and former mayor of Long Beach, Calif., has pledged to be a thorn in the side of Greene and other Republican extremists.

The hearing also featured testimony from Internal Revenue Service investigators who claimed the DOJ interfered in the probe of Hunter Biden — Gary Shapley, who works in the IRS's criminal investigation division, and Joseph Ziegler, from the international tax and financial crimes section.

U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat who is ranking member of the Oversight Committee — that is, the highest-ranking member from the minority party — opened the hearing by saying Hunter Biden has paid for his crimes and that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by the president. Republicans’ attempt to implicate Joe Biden “is a complete and total bust,” he said, according to NBC News.