Naismith Trophy high school girls Player and Coach of the Year finalists announced

The Atlanta Tipoff Club announced the five finalists for the Naismith high school girls basketball Player of the Year trophy and girls Coach of the Year honors Tuesday.

The finalists for the Player of the Year trophy are Forest Park High School (S.C.) senior forward and South Carolina commit Sania Feagin, St. John’s College High School (D.C.) guard and UConn commit Azzi Fudd, Westlake High School (Ga.) guard and South Carolina commit Raven Johnson, Moore High School (Okla.) and Texas commit Aaliyah Moore, and Northside High School (Ark.) guard and Arkansas commit Jersey Wolfenbarger.

Cypress Creek’s (Texas) Jennifer Alexander, Westlake High School’s (Ga.) Hilda Hankerson, Lake Highland Preparatory’s (Fla.) Al Honor, North Central High School’s (Ind.) DeAnn Ramey and Incarnate Word Academy’s (Mo.) Dan Rofles make up the list of finalists for Coach of the Year.

“These finalists represent the nation’s top high school girls players and coaches who have enjoyed remarkable success this season, despite the challenges brought in on a global pandemic, through their play on the court or their leadership from the sidelines,” said Eric Oberman, executive director of the Atlanta Tipoff Club. “The final few weeks of this season will be extremely competitive among the candidates as it always is, which makes narrowing this list down to one winner for each award an exciting challenge for our voters.”

The winner of the Naismith High School Girls Coach of the Year award will be announced on March 9. The Naismith High School Girls Trophy will be announced on March 10.

RELATED: Emoni Bates, Chet Holmgren among Naismith Player of the Year semifinalists