Mid-East League and Big 7 announce possible merging of the two leagues

Silver Lake is one of two Topeka-area teams that would be affected by a merging of the Mid-East League and the Big 7.
Silver Lake is one of two Topeka-area teams that would be affected by a merging of the Mid-East League and the Big 7.

The Mid-East League and Big 7 are meeting to discuss a possible merger of the two leagues.

The effort was announced by the Silver Lake school district early Wednesday.

Silver Lake and Rossville, two Topeka-area schools, are a part of the Mid-East League, along with Riley County, Rock Creek, St. Marys and Wabaunsee.

The Mid-East League was formed in 1948 and will see Rock Creek depart for the North Central Kansas League at the end of the 2023-24 school year.

The Big 7 includes Hiawatha, Holton, Jefferson West, Nemaha Central, Perry-Lecompton, Sabetha, Riverside and Royal Valley.

"The two leagues will continue to meet independently and collaboratively to work towards a potential merger with the possibility of competition to begin during the 2024-2025 school year," the release said.

This article will be updated with more information as it becomes available

This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Mid-East League and Big 7 to talk about potential merging of leagues