Mast vs. Brightline; Vero Beach growth woes; Costco OK; teacher bonuses | Letters Feb. 26
Congressman wrong: Brightline accidents a people problem
On my daily rides to the Jetty in Fort Pierce, I witness countless drivers ignoring ALL signs at railroad crossings, sitting on the tracks, turning right on red when signs say otherwise, as well as ''jumping" the gates.
In response to the congressman who wants to halt construction of Brightline, I'm disgusted as the problem is with the drivers, NOT the rail line. I see it EVERY day!
Perhaps more enforcement of violations at crossings will get people to realize there is a ticket waiting for you. Otherwise, I say: ''You can't fix stupid.''
It is utterly amazing to watch the drivers who simply cannot obey the rules of the road at railroad crossings. At least the people who have been killed at crossings due to their own negligence didn't kill an innocent pedestrian ignoring the law.
I've been wanting to send this letter since contacting the mayor of Fort Pierce in regard to the signage at the crossings, which she immediately addressed.
Go to Europe and you can watch trains barreling through the countryside and see people obey signs.
This is a people problem, as unfortunately everybody these days is in a hurry to speed and pass cars only to meet up at the next red light, which often is ignored as well.
Thomas Blue, Vero Beach
Brian Mast all of a sudden oblivious to past train wrecks?
Once again, U.S. Rep. Brian Mast has dusted himself off to appear in public. Now, he wants to appear to be leading an issue a lot of people have spoken about for a long time: Brightline train fatalities.
I call it the Darwin Express: I don't have to be smart, just smarter than you so I don't get in its way.
Does Mast not have any grasp of the drivers and pedestrians that are "kissing the train" etc. in areas it is already running? Let's break it down simply.
Many of these drivers and pedestrians are from Caribbean countries where there is no real, advanced infrastructure; old train rails are actually used as trails; they have never been the "driver" of more than a bicycle, if that, and do not have a license or "know" someone at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
A big chuck of the ones that do not fall into this category are tourists and transplants from the Northeast, Midwest and Canada. They are used to commuter trains that are buried or elevated. Cargo trains at ground level are much slower. In many places over the past decades, I have seen where people have broken barriers to save 500 feet of walking to a legal crossing.
The whole, train ― big, fast, hurt ― idea is foreign to them or completely against their lifelong learning. Lifelong South Floridians have grown up with the CSX and FEC in the middle of town. There were accidents, but those increased as folks migrated into the area and snowbirds stayed year-round.
It will take time.
Jeff Hamilton, Sebastian
Our View: Brightline service coming 'round the bend; public watchdogs must start barking
More: 'This will destroy Vero Beach': Bridge over Brightline, US 1 by airport opposed | Opinion
Besides traffic, what's real objection to Costco?
I have avidly followed the Costco issue in this publication and cannot understand why Robin Cartwright is so opposed to Costco.
Is anyone else is behind her in this costly and time-consuming effort to stop Costco from building at the Kanner Highway location?
Is there some motivation other than the increased traffic? There is additional access from Willoughby.
Those of us who favor slow, careful growth for Martin County (and have been to many commission meetings to support this) understand some growth will be inevitable. Isn’t it preferable to favor an organization with a reputation for positive community participation and good working conditions?
Costco means making life better for tens of thousands of people who drive about an hour each way (via Kanner Highway) to shop at the company's Palm Beach County locations because of the prices and quality of their products.
A Stuart Costco would mean:
Many good-paying jobs with excellent benefits.
Very handsome tax revenue.
Significant savings in gasoline and pollution for those of us in the Stuart area.
I am sure Ms. Cartwright is aware Costco’s failed attempt to locate in Palm City wasted years and had significant costs for everyone involved. If she or anyone else would care to explain further why they are so opposed to Costco, it would help the public accept all this delay in obtaining a Costco.
Larry Gray, Stuart
Red light backup hint of what narrowed Twin Pairs would bring
A while ago, a person wrote about the effect of morning congestion on a narrowing of the Twin Pairs in Vero Beach. Well, I witnessed afternoon congestion also.
At 1:11 p.m., I was stopped at the red light heading east at State Road 60 and 20th Avenue. All three lanes in front of me were full of vehicles and all three lanes behind me were also full. I could imagine the congestion of a narrowed Twin Pairs as this horde advanced to the downtown location.
Spike Vrusho. Vero Beach
Get real on St. Lucie County teacher bonuses
Recently, it was reported teachers in St. Lucie County will receive an $850 bonus if they have 15 or more years experience.
Unfortunately that is not exactly true.
Because the district insists on taxing the gross amount at the highest allowable rate of about 27%, the net amount will be about $225 less. In the end, both the teachers union and the board have once again shortchanged hardworking teachers.
Shame on Superintendent Jon Prince and especially shame on teachers union President David Freeland. Teachers deserve much better!
Steven Barrish, Port St. Lucie
Massive U.S. 1, train overpass not needed in Vero Beach
I am curious as to why Aviation Boulevard at the U.S. 1 crossing was not expanded for a through-way (32nd Street northeast to the 35th Lane/36th Street hospital complex area) a long time ago, allowing more direct hospital access. Just looking at a street map begs this obvious question.
Other reasonable traffic flow and wait-time improvements in the area, rather than a massive state highway bridge-building boondoggle, would be creating an Aviation Boulevard to southbound U.S. 1 traffic feeder lane that would intersect with U.S. 1 south of the current railroad crossing, thus reducing the number of vehicles needing the current stoplight-controlled crossing.
Likewise, southbound U.S. 1 traffic wanting to travel west on Aviation Boulevard could be diverted off U.S. 1 by the water plant, or around it, to then intersect with Aviation via a new feeder road well west of the current intersection. These two new feeder roads would significantly reduce the number of vehicles “stacked” at the current intersection.
Obviously, new feeder roads will require new railroad crossings, but they could operate in conjunction as one with current intersection’s drop gates and lighting. Such less expensive bridge alternatives deserve to be tried before embarking on a West Palm Beach-style extravagance.
David Lutz, Vero Beach
Would be great if U.S. Sailing Center worked closer with neighbors
The U.S. Sailing center in Jensen Beach is a wonderful organization and great to have in Martin County, but at times it takes over the public, county-owned boat ramp at Indian RiverSide Park.
The center had a regatta last weekend, and closed the ramp on the 18th, 19th and 20th. It was a holiday weekend, and it is a taxpayer-funded, county-owned, boat ramp, which is bad enough, but it is a good event and I understand it.
On the 15th, though, you could barely use the boat ramp, as the center blocked the sidewalk with boats and the roadway with trailers and boats. This was three days before the center closed it for another three days.
I support the sailing center, but feel they need to be more understanding to the boaters in the area. It is a nice boat launch, more popular now since the Stuart causeway was closed during repairs. I feel the sailing center should be better partners with community boaters who use the launch, especially since the center has a great deal with Martin County.
John Vanilla, Stuart
Columnist right about growth, traffic
In his recent column, Laurence Reisman's points about traffic and planning ahead are dead on, and were of great importance in the 1990s, 2000s and now.
It is hard for people to take seriously the irreversible downside of overbuilding until they are stuck in traffic for a half-hour or longer than any normal trip would take. The Civic Association, the Indian River Neighborhood Association and others were preaching about more control of density for all these years.
Yes, building and growth will continue, but when the county, city and towns ― especially Indian River Shores on State Road A1A ― allow maximum densities, as well as selling off public land to developers instead of keeping it out of “production,” there is no real planning going on. Along A1A there is no alternate route, so when there is an incident (as there was Feb. 18), traffic is stopped for hours in both directions.
People were urged to vote for the future. Citizens were asked to create plans together, such as the 2002-2004 Vero Beach Visioning Plan, which would maximize creative growth and maintain our quality of life. People flock here because of the beauty, the trees, the almost no high-rises and the accessibility. We are killing all those things because we are voting in governments that say yes to every developer demand. If the height limits weren’t in the hands of the voters of Vero Beach, we’d have long ago fallen into the trap the cities to our south are in.
But those plans were tossed aside by uncaring or unthinking governments. Now all we can do is wonder how much more damage will be done.
Thanks for Reisman's wise words. Here’s hoping it’s not too late.
Lynne Larkin, Vero Beach
Blame DeSantis for unaware consequences of new gun law
Recently, I read that the Florida Legislature under the direction of Gov. Ron DeSantis passed a law NOT REQUIRING people from obtaining a concealed carry permit for guns.
This is utter madness. So what we have now is anyone of legal age can purchase a gun and NOT obtain the basic proper training they need for gun safety. People will now be allowed to walk or drive around Florida with guns, have a stressful day and start shooting people at the grocery store or anywhere in the state of Florida.
At a time when we have more mass shootings than at any time in our history, our state governing officials just made MORE mass shooting a bit more possible.
What’s next? Maybe give out free guns to high school graduates?
Way to go, Gov. DeSantis.
Keith Ullrich, Fort Pierce
Biden, Democrats display weaknesses in three key areas
I read the letter from Robert Gibbons. He seems to want to keep score of balloons shot down: one shot down by President Joe Biden after it transited the entire United States and a negative three for three balloons that supposedly transited the nation during the President Donald Trump administration no one knew about at the time, but was discovered by Biden defense officials only after Biden’s balloon compromised all our military facilities in its path.
If we’re keeping score, let’s look at the number of military personnel killed or wounded in Afghanistan because of the ignorance of the commander in chief. Biden 28, Trump zero!
The larger issue begs the question: Why don’t Democrats seem to care about that? We also turned over millions of dollars worth of equipment to our enemies that will, no doubt, be used against this country at some point. Democrats say: “Forget that! Let’s talk about balloons!”
Another letter writer wrote Donald Trump was one of the worst presidents in history. I refer you to the above paragraph. I served as a Marine in the 1970s. My children served in the 1990s and now I have a grandchild who is career military, serving overseas.
For my family, the 2024 election can’t come soon enough. We hope the ignorance Biden has shown since he first came into the political arena doesn’t harm more of our service people. Americans can tolerate men and women being injured during conflicts, but should never excuse or deny chaotic and foolish actions taken by the president that result in the loss of life.
The sad part is half the people of this country march lockstep behind the Democratic Party regardless of the destruction it has caused in national security, energy policies and border control.
Frank Fuchs, Fellsmere
This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Mast vs. Brightline; Vero Beach growth; Stuart Costco cool | Letters