Letters: St. Joseph County library is a gift for community

I am writing to celebrate the reopening of the downtown branch of the St. Joseph County Public Library. I toured the library when it first opened and was wide-eyed when I witnessed such a remarkable space for strengthening the bonds of our community. Hundreds of people waited to get a library card!

After just a few days, I returned to the library and peered into the picture windows on Main Street where I could see children experiencing the wonder of books. The children’s play area rekindled memories of losing myself in a safe and caring refuge. I walked into the teen room where youth clearly found joy in just being together. Adults filled the many private rooms where they could share conversation; students and adults worked at computer stations, exploring the limitless stores of information; and others considered the possibilities that the media center offered.

I finally chose to enjoy the solitude of the reading room with its views of the city. The beauty and joy the library embodies is a gift we have given ourselves as taxpayers. The legacy of the library will stand as a monument to education and democratic ideals that embrace the free flow of ideas, justice and equity. Such a gift offers hope and a bright future.

Stuart Greene


The writer is a member of the South Bend school board.

Money before duty

Basically, Kelly stabbed the University of Notre Dame in the back — showing no class! But he knows that the majority of us Domers have never liked him. I supported him through thick and thin, as did some of the rest of us. He took athletic director Jack Swarbrick's advice: He canned a couple of his buddies, hired better coaches, concentrated on improved recruiting, conditioning and knowing his players. He agreed to leave most of the offensive and defensive signal-calling to his head coordinators.

Now he has had the last laugh all the way to the bank, also knowing that (in his classless manner) he finally got to "get even" by stabbing the Notre Dame nation in the back by pulling out of a possible run to the national championship with his players, coaches and Notre Dame supporters here and throughout the country/world. He took money ahead of responsibility and duty. I just hope the players and coaches can emotionally calm down and concentrate on their upcoming game(s).

Phil Bertoni

South Bend

This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: St. Joe County Library a great space for strengthening community bonds