Kim Kardashian Debuted A Buzz Cut For A Photo Shoot, And It's Going Viral

Mere weeks after debuting a "fuck ass bob" for the ages, Kim Kardashian is back with her most drastic look to date.

Close-up of Kim taking a selfie with her bob
Skims / Via

For the new cover of CR Fashion Book, photographed by Nadia Lee Cohen, Kim sported a buzz cut:

Close-up of Kim with a buzz cut

With hair by Matt Benns, the look, paired with ultrathin eyebrows, is pretty darn unrecognizable:

Close-up of Kim with a buzz cut and glasses. She's wearing a dirty tank top

As for how folks reacted, some were huge fans:

Nadia Lee Cohen / CR Fashion Book / Via Twitter: @lidolmix

While others...took a more meme-y approach:

Nadia Lee Cohen / CR Fashion Book / Via Twitter: @randomstuffxzxz

Now, Kim did wear a half-up look to Kourtney Kardashian's baby shower this weekend, so it's entirely possible that the buzzed look is a combination of a wig and some digital editing trickery — even with an incredibly realistic photo of the back of her head. Or perhaps this longer look is a wig? There's a lotta fake hair in Hollywood, and Kim does usually wear extensions:

Kim posing with her daughter North on her IG story

You can read the full CR Fashion Book story here.