John Amos’ Son Arrested For Allegedly Threatening Sister

John Amos’ son has been arrested for alleged violent behavior.

K.C. Amos was taken into custody after allegedly sending threats to his sister, Shannon Amos. According to TMZ, the texts containing images of guns, videos of K.C. firing weapons, and claims of gang affiliation caused Shannon to be fearful for her life.

“Gonna sleep much better tonight big sis,” allegedly reads one text sent along with K.C. shooting a shotgun into an open field.

Robert Florida, a spokesperson for the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, claims Shannon believes K.C.’s bipolar disorder caused him to believe she had set him up to be killed and is now retaliating based on the delusion.

John Amos wearing hat
John Amos attends the Althea screening and panel discussion at One Time Warner Center on October 5, 2015 in New York City.

The arrest comes as Shannon Amos claims her famous father is near death and the victim of elder abuse. In June, the Good Times actor was allegedly hospitalized and Shannon launched a digital fundraiser claiming the industry veteran was being financially exploited.

Shannon Amos claimed that they’re working to “catch and prosecute the alleged perpetrators, [but] our priority remains my father’s medical needs and providing him a safe haven,” adding that the 83-year-old’s home had been “stripped of anything valuable,” The veteran actor reportedly denied all claims made about his health and financial status.

“The cruelty inflicted upon my dad leaves me questioning what kind of human could commit such acts. Yet, we hold onto hope that justice will prevail,” she explained.

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