Joe Biden Breaks Out 'Dark Brandon' As He Takes Aim At Trump

President Joe Biden and his campaign are fully embracing a term once meant as an insult and using “Dark Brandon” to move merch for his newly announced 2024 reelection campaign.

The Biden campaign website is selling a Dark Brandon coffee mug ― which they call the “Dark Roast Mug” ― and a Dark Brandon T-shirt, which it says is “best worn while vanquishing Malarkey.”

Twitter users have also spotted Dark Brandon in the campaign’s 404 error page, the page users are shown when they click on a broken link or mistype part of the URL.

“You’re lost, Jack,” it says at the top, above an image of a laser-eyed Biden in full “Dark Brandon” mode:

Joe Biden's reelection campaign appears to be embracing
Joe Biden's reelection campaign appears to be embracing

Joe Biden's reelection campaign appears to be embracing "Dark Brandon."

The “Brandon” name began as an insult, and more specifically shorthand for an F-bomb aimed at the president from supporters of Donald Trump.

But that quickly changed as Biden’s supporters coopted it into memes and transformed it into “Dark Brandon,” to represent Biden’s feisty side.

Now, it seems, even Biden himself is all aboard the “Dark Brandon” train.