Jeff Bezos Interrupted William Shatner's Profound Speech To Spray Champagne
William Shatner visited space Wednesday in a brief trip he called “the most profound experience I can imagine.”
In an emotional conversation with Blue Origin and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos afterward, he sought to translate raw emotion into words and reflect on what had just occurred.
But it seems Shatner’s post-flight demeanor varied wildly from the expectations of Bezos, whose first instinct was not to join Shatner in a somber reflection on the significance of space ― but to cut him off mid-thought so he could drench some wealthy people in Champagne:
moment of zen
— Futurism (@futurism) October 13, 2021
“Give me a Champagne bottle, c’mere. I want one,” Bezos says in a video of the moment, gesturing to a woman on the periphery who gamely brings one over.
“I want to hear this,” he adds while talking over Shatner, before offering him the open bottle: “Here, you want a little of this?”
Shatner scratches his head and gazes at the ground, declining Bezos’ offer. Bezos then gives the bottle a hearty shake and proceeds to spray it all over amid celebratory screams.
(Bezos did give Shatner plenty of time to share his thoughts shortly afterward.)
The moment struck a chord on Twitter:
Watching William Shatner having a poetic moment in the middle of a load of billionaires popping champagne is so fascinating. #BlueOrigin#skynews
— Orla Hannon (@redOrly) October 13, 2021
An unreproducable, spontaneous revelation concerning the future and progress of humanity vs spoiled adult-sized children with champagne.
— REOSpeedDragon (@DialDforDragon) October 13, 2021
#Shatner is not tolerating this champagne BS.
— Sarah Stierch (@Sarah_Stierch) October 13, 2021
#Shatner “let me spill my deepest heartfelt emotions about what just happened to me. I…”#Bezos “Hold on let me spray these rich people with champagne.”
CMON JEFF!— Bryce Istre (@BryceIstre) October 13, 2021
Watching #Shatner channel Isaac Asimov in a breathy emotional voice to Jeff Bezos while social media influencers shriek and spray champagne on each other and the rest of the crew of #BlueOrigin in the West Texas desert is a weird way to start the day.
— Wes Regan (@411Regan) October 13, 2021
This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.