Here's how to opt out of using, and paying for, Shawnee County curbside recycling

Shawnee County's solid waste department placed on its website this graphic sharing information people can use if they wish to opt out of curbside recycling services.
Shawnee County's solid waste department placed on its website this graphic sharing information people can use if they wish to opt out of curbside recycling services.

Shawnee County's solid waste department has put a form at that people can use to opt out of curbside recycling services.

A graphic that department provided The Capital-Journal on Thursday said curbside recycling customers can access that form by clicking on the phrase "Recycle Opt-Out" on that website.

Customers filling out and submitting the form are asked to provide four pieces of information. Those are their name, existing solid waste account number, existing service address and the number of recycling totes at that service address.

The county since 2013 has offered a "mandatory pay, voluntary participation" curbside recycling program to customers of its solid waste department and anyone else who asks to take part.

But solid waste department director Bill Sutton said practicing recycling became much more expensive after China, the main buyer of most U.S. recyclables, responded to high contamination levels in January 2018 by sharply restricting what materials it would accept.

County commissioners voted in December to continue to offer curbside recycling but charge $3.50 a month to residential customers who receive it while allowing customers to opt out of curbside recycling and consequently avoid that charge.

Contact Tim Hrenchir at or 785-213-5934.

This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Shawnee County offers form for opting out of curbside recycling