As Gainesville's population grows, more density is needed to prevent sprawl
Gainesville has a math problem. Gainesville is growing — according to the 2020 U.S. census, the population grew 13.5% from 2010 to 2020.
This growth is a validation of some of the things we already know about our city: it’s a great place to live because our population is inclusive of people from all walks of life, we have a rich cultural history, and our student population injects our city with creativity and vibrancy. People want to be here, and we should want them to be here.
But the amount of available housing in the city hasn’t grown at a comparable rate. We have more people living here and more people who want to live here than we have homes to accommodate them. The straightforward solution is to update zoning regulations to make them fit our current reality and encourage more density in the city.
But truthfully, even if the City Commission does nothing to encourage more construction in Gainesville, housing will be built around Gainesville. For decades now, large parts of Florida have provided housing by building sprawling communities of single-family detached houses in developments with generic tree-themed names.
Already these housing developments are being built in western Alachua County, which has experienced a surge in population growth over the past 10 years. Because these developments are so spread out from where most people work, cars are the preferred way — and, in some cases, the only way — to get into town.
Gainesville already has a traffic fatality problem. As the population in western Alachua continues to grow rapidly, our traffic safety and congestion issues will only get worse.
We’re fortunate to have a very active and passionate group in the Alachua Conservation Trust, which has successfully preserved large chunks of land from development over the years. But despite that success, ACT’s executive director recently said that the wild spaces that surround our city are already disappearing faster than the Alachua Conservation Trust can preserve because of increased suburban sprawl.
More: Inclusionary zoning would help Gainesville reduce its affordable housing problem
If the city does nothing to encourage building inside of Gainesville, more of those beautiful natural spaces that surround Gainesville will be lost to single-family housing developments built to cater to the growing number of people moving to our area.
Thankfully some city commissioners and Plan Board members understand how our city can thrive with population growth. The best way to create a walkable city, one that is also transit and bike-friendly, is to encourage population density and mixed-use development by updating zoning regulations to fit a growing Gainesville.
In short, build more housing near the places where people work and shop. Giving people less distance to travel will cut down on car trips and increase the efficiency and speed of bus routes.
Population growth is a challenge, but it is a good challenge to have. Our leaders can use that challenge to build a more resilient and environmentally sustainable city, while raising the quality of life for people who’ve made a good choice to live in Gainesville.
Jason Sanchez lives in Gainesville.
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This article originally appeared on The Gainesville Sun: Jason Sanchez: More density, less sprawl needed as Gainesville grows