Feldkamp: My day in family court reminded me of the foster children my mother died helping
I didn’t expect childhood memories to resurface when I walked into Family Court to shadow Judge Christine Ward, but they did.
I was there as part of the Behind the Black Robe Program led by Family Court Deputy Chief Judge Derwin Webb, who started the program and invited me to participate.
“It’s very important that people throughout the community, throughout the state, understand what goes on in court so they can understand what their rights are, understand their role in the courts and also understand the roles and responsibilities the judges have, so we can form a more perfect union, if you will,” Judge Webb told me.
The program paired members with judges in Jefferson Circuit and District courts. I was matched with a judge in Family Court, which is a civil division of circuit court.
In a few hours time, I watched as an eldest sister accepted custody of her six younger siblings, a foster family moved forward with adoption proceedings and a father received custody of his infant following the tragic death of the baby's mother. I also witnessed an arrest and listened to a request for a protective order. Assistant County Attorney David Feldkamp (no relation) told me, "People like to say, 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps,' but these kids don't have any boots." What they have is a guardian ad litem and a team of state workers doing their best to do right by each of them.
More: More than $40 million in state funding for Kentucky foster care services coming soon
My parents were foster parents
I grew up in Campbell County, Kentucky. My parents began fostering children before I was born, while my two older sisters were still babies. My dad remembers thinking a little boy to pal around with would be nice. So, in the beginning they fostered mostly boys. After I was born, their third girl, my parents decided that fostering only girls was a better choice. They transformed our home’s largest bedroom into a dormitory of sorts that slept six. Bunk beds were a feature.
Sitting in family court, I recognized what must have been the legal side to the circumstances my former foster siblings experienced. I remember the toddler who came to us with severe burns. My dad remembers the adolescent boy he fostered, how they caught him smoking in the bathroom and how he also ran away more than once.
So many of the struggles I witnessed as a child in the early 1980s are still ever-present in our commonwealth. Kids are hurting and kids need help. It is the judges, social workers, guardians ad litem and attorneys who are charged with helping families sort through the trauma of abuse, neglect and violence. It takes special families with a lot of love to open their homes to be part of the healing.
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The compounding factor of COVID for kids in foster care
Kentucky has seen a 30% rise in need for foster families. According to 2022 Kentucky KIDS COUNT Data Dashboard, this is both because there are more children in need and there are fewer foster families. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic families closed their homes for fear of spreading the virus. Kentucky Youth Advocates said many of these homes have not yet opened back up. Families have also expressed concern over not receiving the support they need from the state. KYA is in the process of surveying current and former foster parents to quantify these concerns and better understand the barriers to foster care in the commonwealth.
Foster care placement is harder for children of color and those with special needs
Existing foster families are most eager to take small children. Once a child is 6 years old, their opportunities for placement starts to dwindle. By the time kids reach 9, 10 and 11 years old, agencies really start to struggle to find placement. This is even more true if the child is of color. KYA reported that Black youth are disproportionately in need and children of color are also moved from foster home to foster home more frequently. Forty-six percent of Black youth and 50% of youth with more than one race experienced four or more foster care placements during their time in foster care, compared to 35% of white youth.
If a child has severe medical needs, an intellectual or developmental disability, foster placement is nearly impossible. LGBTQ+ children are more difficult to place in foster families. Also, KYA reports that Kentucky sees half of all young people aged 16 years and older exiting foster care in Kentucky by aging out instead of finding a permanent family.
The struggles of today's families are not new and many of them are poverty adjacent. The Annie E Casey Foundation's Fostering Youth Transitions 2023 report states that "neglect" has become the most frequently cited reason for removing teens from their home. This designation underscores poverty and demonstrates that a family might be able to stay together if they have access to community resources.
I cannot think of the needs of foster children without thinking of my mom. It has been 40 years since she died.
More: I am a foster kid with a college degree. That shouldn't be rare, but it is. Here's why.
More Opinion: Former foster kids like us need resources to successfully transition into adulthood
My mother died in service to Kentucky’s foster children
My mother left the house with a social worker one February morning when I was 7 years old. She was going to pick up a girl we’d fostered whose adoption hadn’t worked out. The girl had been placed with us before as a foster child and she would return to us. My mother never made it to her destination. The car hit a patch of black ice and struck a light pole on Interstate 275 in Northern Kentucky. The social worker survived with non life-threatening injuries. My mother died in the hospital two days later.
My former foster sister, with so much weight already on her young shoulders, sat in church at the funeral, blaming herself. If she is still here in the commonwealth, I want her to know that burden is not hers to carry. My mother loved children and died in service to the great work of making sure Kentucky kids are cared for.
May is National Foster Care Month. It's a time to remember that our most vulnerable community members need our help. I am grateful for Judge Webb’s invitation to shadow family court through the Behind the Black Robe Program. Children should not have to navigate this world alone.
Bonnie Jean Feldkamp is the opinion editor. She can be reached via email at BFeldkamp@Gannett.com or on social media @WriterBonnie.
This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: May is Foster Care Month: My mother died helping Kentucky foster kids