My Tiny Little Peanut-Sized Brain Just Got Completely Blown After Seeing These 19 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week

1.This is Norma Smallwood, the winner of the 1926 Miss America pageant:

A woman with updo pigtails

Try as he might, old Calvin Coolidge couldn't rig the contest for his wife, Grace.

George Rinhart / Corbis via Getty Images

2.This is what it looks like 16 stories beneath New York City:

A fenced-off section of murky water with men standing on the rocky, cavelike surface next to it

3.There's a bridge specifically for crabs in Christmas Island, Australia. A crab bridge. A cridge:

Crabs on a raised bridge

4.This is what Leonardo da Vinci's “The Last Supper” looks like in person:

A medium-size painting inside the refectory of a small convent, with two small lights illuminating it

5.This 2,000-year-old Roman shoe looks like it could've been made today:

A lace-up shoe with a frayed sole and perforations

6.And this is what the bottom of that shoe just might look like:

A soft-looking sole with many small raised bumps


Artokoloro / Alamy Stock Photo

7.This is what the base of a wind turbine looks like before it's filled with concrete:

A wide, circular base with wired attachments

8.This picture, taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839, is generally accepted as the first "selfie":

Blurry image of a serious-looking man with an Eddie Muenster bang

9.This is how big the Hubble Space Telescope is compared with a few human beings:

Four people standing next to the raised telescope and not reaching the base

This was taken in 1989, when the telescope was being prepared to be shot into space. Smaller or bigger than you thought?

Alamy Stock Photo

10.This, my friends, is what a perfectly spherical egg looks like:

A perfectly round brown egg

11.The "American section" of a German grocery store contains a lot of popcorn, hot sauce, and mustard:

Shelves with popcorn, mustard, Pop-Tarts, and other American products

12.This is what a knife looks like after being sharpened over and over again for 30 years:

A very thin, elongated, tapered knife

13.This is Ahmet Ali Çelikten, a man who is generally considered to be one of the first Black pilots — and perhaps the very first:

A man with high boots and in a uniform stands in front of an early plane

14.Horn sharks have very cool spiral egg cases:

Person holding what looks like a combination of a pine cone, drill, and mortar shell

15.This is what stem cells look like after they've been collected and are ready to be transplanted:

Pale fluid in a container

16.Some towns have specific areas designated for online marketplace meetups:

Rectangular sign says "Meetup Spot" with handshake icon and "Internet Purchase Exchange Location" and "Live video recording"

17.During World War II, the "Mona Lisa" was packed away and removed from the Louvre to ensure its safety:

Person wrapping the painting in cloth

18.This is the note former president George H.W. Bush left for incoming president Bill Clinton in the White House after Clinton defeated him in the 1992 presidential election:

Handwritten note dated January 20, 1993

19.And, finally, this is a Javan rhino, an extremely endangered species of rhino of which there are only about 76 left on Earth:

A close-up of a rhino looking at the camera