A cooking camp rule: Don't ‘yuck’ someone else’s ‘yum’
Young ladies of Crawford County, ages 8 to 15 years old, had the opportunity to develop or hone their cooking skills at Bucyrus Public Library this week.
“I know some of you have never cooked before. This is what I call a three-day cooking camp,” said Tami Baumberger, SNAP-Ed program assistant at the Ohio State University Extension-Wyandot County. “The goal is for you to go home and share this with your family.
Main dishes and desserts on the menu
Each day of the three-day camp involves a different recipe — spaghetti and peach crisp on the first day, stir fry (beef, vegetables and ramen) and fruit pizza (strawberries, bananas and blueberries) on day 2, and walking taco on the final day.
The class was relaxed and filled with laughter as they gathered the necessary ingredients, but it’s governed by rules.
“No judgment. Participate. Communicate,” said Baumberger. “If someone says they eat healthy, no judgment. Participate — I want everyone to do something. You’re going to have the recipe to make this for your family. Communicate so we don’t run into each other or duplicate directions from the recipe.”
Her favorite rule was last.
“No yucking: Don’t yuck my yum. Give it a try," Baumberger added. "In all of the previous sessions, there’s always somebody that tried something new and said they liked it.”
The kids are her inspiration.
“I’ve had kids say, ‘Can’t we do this for five weeks or all summer?’" she said.
The kitchen can be a minefield
Baumberger reminds those new to cooking that the kitchen is one of the most dangerous places in your house.
“If you spill something, clean it up. Be careful. When plugging into an outlet, dry your hands," she said.
You don’t have to be Betty Crocker or any other famous cook to make a nutritious meal. Chefs started out as beginners, so there is hope for everyone in the kitchen.
“In order to be successful at cooking, reading is the most important skill,” Baumberger emphasized. "Eating healthy can be delicious; it doesn’t have to be difficult."
This article originally appeared on Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Local girls enjoy a cooking camp at the Bucyrus Public Library.