This "Emo Elmo" Cake Is Going Viral After A Baker Made A Hilarious Mistake

This "Emo Elmo" Cake Is Going Viral After A Baker Made A Hilarious Mistake

Oh, do I have a good story about an emo cake for you...

Fallout Boy members Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz
Avalon / Getty Images

It all started when Brinni Cakes got an order for an "emo" cake.


"Last week, a lady DM'd me and asked me if I could make her an emo cake," she says.

Brinni Cakes constructing a cake

The only problem is she read the text wrong...

The partially iced cake

"It's about an hour before I have to deliver, and I have the cake ready, and I ask her if she wants to include a number candle," she says.

Brinni Cakes' over the cake in question

She asks the person who the cake is for, and they say it's for their 4-year-old granddaughter: "I thought that was a little weird because I don't know any emo 4-year-olds, but I was trying to reason with myself like maybe she likes Wednesday or something like that."

Closeup of Pete Wentz smiling
Avalon / Getty Images

Then, she asked her what the theme of the party was, and she said Sesame Street. She realized she had misread "Elmo" for "emo."


Brinni had to go to the grocery store an hour before the cake had to be delivered and beg them to put an Elmo topper on it.

Brinni Cakes' TikTok using an offset spatula to spread icing

She delivered the cake, and she offered it to them for free.


This was the cake:

The "Emo Elmo" cake with Elmo rocking "emo" bangs

Just kidding.

Screenshot from Brinni Cakes' TikTok

This was the actual cake:

A completely black cake with red heart sprinkles and an Elmo topper

Still very funny, but in all seriousness, she should start a business selling Emo Elmo cakes.

Screenshot from Brinni Cakes' TikTok