Arizona State football vs. Southern Utah: Video, photos of haboob, dust storm in Tempe

Weather wreaked havoc on the Arizona State vs. Southern Utah college football game Thursday night in Tempe, prompting the delay of the game, and the clearing of the stadium.

Fans and media members captured the dust storm and wind (haboob) in videos and photos from Mountain America Stadium.

Check out the scene at the game, which was delayed at halftime with ASU leading, 21-7.

The game resumed after a two hour and 45 minute delay, with ASU eventually holding on to win on Friday morning, 24-21.

But all anyone wanted to talk about was the weather.

More: Arizona State football beats Southern Utah to win Kenny Dillingham's ASU Sun Devils debut

More: Blowing dust, high winds cause temporary suspension of Arizona State football game

More: Weather photos from ASU football vs. Southern Utah game

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Fans flee for cover during a monsoon storm at the Arizona State Sun Devils home opener against the Southern Utah Thunderbirds at Mountain America Stadium in Tempe on Aug. 31, 2023.
Fans flee for cover during a monsoon storm at the Arizona State Sun Devils home opener against the Southern Utah Thunderbirds at Mountain America Stadium in Tempe on Aug. 31, 2023.

Weather photos, videos from Mountain America Stadium during the ASU vs. Southern Utah college football game:

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona State football vs. Southern Utah weather photos, videos