American Rose Society honors Louisiana woman with "Heart of the Garden" award

ALEXANDRIA - How do you thank and honor someone who has spearheaded a $2million restoration project and overseen planting of  hundreds of roses?

Give 'em a crystal bowl? Cash? Write a song around them?How about an award?

That is how the annual "Heart of the Garden Award" given by the AmericanRose Society came to be.

Its first recipient: former Society Prez Marilyn Wellan. To a surprisedWellan, the first "Heart" was presented in her Alexandria gardenduring a garden gathering, she and husband Myron Wellan hosted for 140in their yard filled, of course, with roses. The event was the finale ofthe society's convention for 300 : "Time for Roses-Come Home to inShreveport." Conventioneers hopped on four chartered buses in Shreveportfor the trip to Alexandria.

In her honor, the national award will be given annually "to a volunteerdedicated to the care, stewardship and advancement of America's RoseGarden," said Society Treasurer Carrie Bergs.

It was presented at the finale for the three-day convention. (Thegarden, where Wellan is well known for her volunteer work,  is locatedin the Society's headquarters in Shreveport located on Jefferson-PaigeRoad near Greenwood.)

Upon their arrival at the Wellans,  guests sipped wine, toured thegarden and talked roses even as a few sprinkles of rain fell before thebuffet was served and the surprise announcement applauded.  Berg told her: "Marilyn it is our privilege to present you with anaward created in  your honor to recognize your volunteer spirit anddedication to American's Rose Garden and the ARS."

Near tears, Wellan said she was unbelievably surprised and happy aboutthe award.  "We all love our rose gardens and sharing them with friends. How happyI am to be here with you in my garden," she added.

Wellan's volunteerism takes many forms and Berg mentioned several.

Among them: "For coordinating  the $2 million project -2017-2022- thattransformed the tired, weedy, shady, overgrown gardens of the AmericanRose Center in Shreveport into the gorgeous new America's RoseGarden...Something all of us can be so proud of today and for thefuture," said Bergs.

Society Note: For long time Society Executive Director Jon Corkern,there with wife Shelly and son Drew, the event was bittersweet.

"This is my last day," said Corkern, who is leaving  the organization tobecome  new executive director  for National Association of Royalty Owners.

"We will never be able to replace your spirit...We will miss you," saidSociety Prez Diane Sommers

 A surprised Marilyn Wellan is presented an award inher name by the American Rose Society.
A surprised Marilyn Wellan is presented an award inher name by the American Rose Society.
Stephen Cox and Anna Brocato at a couples showergiven in their honor; the couple will marry June 10, 2023.
Stephen Cox and Anna Brocato at a couples showergiven in their honor; the couple will marry June 10, 2023.
Carrie Bergs, treasurer of the American RoseSociety, Diane Sommers, president of the American Rose Society, and award-recipient Marilyn Wellan.
Carrie Bergs, treasurer of the American RoseSociety, Diane Sommers, president of the American Rose Society, and award-recipient Marilyn Wellan.

This article originally appeared on Shreveport Times: American Rose Society honors Louisiana woman